Another social aspect of coffee is widely showed on the big screen. Every day of our life we keep watching over various TV shows, movies, etc. where coffee is advertised as an essential part of our life. Almost each movie personage or a self respecting showman is shown with a cup of coffee, espresso or cappuccino in his/her hand. Coffee became a kind of everyday ritual like eating bread or drinking water. It is naturally that people begin drinking coffee and this procedure becomes their regular habit.
Coffee is considered to be white collars’ drink as it possesses stimulating qualities and is considered not to have negative effects upon human’s mind. Making permanent short coffee breaks at office has already become a rule of thumb and a good tradition amongst its staff. Sitting in a relaxing atmosphere, talking to each other, making some jokes - all these small things are necessarily followed by a cup of hot coffee/espresso/cappuccino/latte. The scientists have proved that this wonderful beverage makes us more friendly and communicative, cause us be easy to get in touch with other people and so on. So from every point of view coffee is a remedy of interaction among people, a way of making friends, come closer in a collective and so on. Any way you slice it, drinking coffee is all about positive. So drinking coffee has a great underlying message – drink it not only for pleasure and in order to gain more energy but also for flowing into a new team, leading a relaxing conversation and many others. It’s all about society when drinking coffee, so don’t hesitate, go make yourself and your friend a cup of coffee right now!