Coffee, Exercise Can Help Men Defeat Prostate Cancer

Coffee, Exercise Can Help Men Defeat Prostate Cancer

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Coffee, Exercise Can Help Men Defeat Prostate Cancer
09.12.2009 09:34

According to two new studies, coffee and exercise may be the keys to men beating prostate cancer.

 The first study was carried out by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, and was led by Kathryn M. Wilson. The study focused on data from 50,000 men to get an idea as to the rate at which prostate cancer was being diagnosed, and whether or not coffee would help in any way.

 Over a 20-year period from 1986 to 2006, there were nearly 5,000 cases of prostate cancer diagnosed out of the 50,000 men.

 What they found was that men who consumed six or more cups of coffee each day reduced their risk of all forms of prostate cancer by 19%.

 On top of that, they reduced their risk of an aggressive form of prostate cancer by 41%.

 This shows a clear relationship between the amount of coffee consumed, and a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

 A direct link was found whether it was regular coffee, or decaffeinated coffee.

 The second study released was led by Stacy A. Kenfield from the Harvard School of Public Health.

 They looked into the physical activity of roughly 2,700 men who were all diagnosed with prostate cancer.

 What they found was a direct link between exercise and prostate cancer survival.

 Men who went through vigorous exercise, having 3 or more hours of exercise each week, reduced their risk of death from prostate cancer by 12%.

 The combination of these two, coffee and prostate cancer, may truly be the keys to defeating the terrible disease.

From: SmartAboutHealth 

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