27.03.2013 15:05 |
Whether it’s served hot or iced, black or con leche, one thing is certain: Latinos love their coffee. And a new study out by the National Coffee Association (NCA) is saying just how much.
According to the NCA’s National Coffee Drinking Trends 2013 market study, Hispanics are leading the way in coffee consumption. A whopping 67 percent of Hispanics said they drank coffee the day before. That number is 13 percentage points ahead of the population, with 47 percent of African-Americans and 64 percent of Caucasian Americans reporting drinking coffee up the day before.
The NCA has conducted the market study annually since 1950, but this is only the second year that they included ethnicity. This year, the study was designed to be more reflective of the United States population and involved 2,840 adults with ethnicities proportionate to the U.S. population’s makeup. Hispanics topped coffee consumption last year as well.
Latinos also outpace all other coffee lovers in the more specific categories of gourmet coffee and espresso consumption. For gourmet coffee, 44 percent of Latinos said they had drunk gourmet brews in the past day, compared to 30 percent for Caucasian people and 25 percent for African-Americans. Latinos love their espresso too, with 24 percent of Hispanics ordering it compared to 10 and 12 percent for whites and African Americans respectively.
It’s not just Latinos who enjoy the popular drink, Americans overall are showing their love for cups of joe. There was a five percent increase in overall coffee consumption up from last year, with 83 percent of the general U.S. adult population now saying they drink coffee. The study says that daily consumption is at 63 percent. When including people who drink coffee once per week brings, the number rises up to 75 percent.
But just who enjoys coffee more may also be an issue of age.
“Younger consumers also showed more affinity for espresso-based beverages than their elders, with 16 percent of those 18-39 drinking them in the past day compared with just 6 percent of those 60+. However, overall daily consumption of coffee by younger consumers appears to have dropped,” the NCA said in a statement.
Overall daily consumption fell to 41 percent from 50 percent last year for younger consumers age 18-24. Older age groups, on the other hand, have upped their intake over the years, with people over 60 years old drinking coffee up to 76 percent from 71 percent.
From: nbclatino.com