Want to be Successful Career Women? Drink Coffee!

Want to be Successful Career Women? Drink Coffee!

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Want to be Successful Career Women? Drink Coffee!
04.02.2011 11:14

LONDON – Instead of herbal tea, women are encouraged to consume black coffee if you want to compete with your male colleagues. Thus the results of newer studies of Bristol University, published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
The study revealed that consuming coffee containing caffeine can increase the performance of women in stressful situations. Contrast, coffee gives the opposite effect in men, where they will experience a crisis of confidence and need more time to complete the task. Similarly, as reported by the Telegraph on Wednesday (02/02/2011).

Based on the record of the British Coffee Association of Manufacturers, the UK population consumes up to 70 million cups of coffee per day. Coffee itself has several health benefits including protection against diabetes, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure, and even gout.

The content of caffeine in coffee is known as a stimulant for the brain and can overcome the drowsiness and fatigue. But the researchers wanted to study how the effects of coffee on the body when faced with a stressful situation, especially when consumed in large quantities.

Total of 64 men and women participated in this study and each paired with same-sex partners. Each pair is given a variety of tasks to be completed, including negotiating, solving puzzles and doing memory tests. To increase the level of stress, each participant must explain their task presentation in public.

Each pair is then given coffee with caffeine or no caffeine and monitor the experiment, result, male participants had difficulty to deal with stressful situations, after taking coffee with caffeine in considerable numbers.

For example, they spent 20 seconds longer to solve puzzles than participants who consumed decaffeinated coffee.

However, for women, consume coffee with caffeine actually save their work to 100 seconds.

The experts claim, the effect of coffee in women and men are also affected by how they respond to stress. Men are more likely to leave any time to deal with the problem or fight. While women are more likely to work together to face the problems they face.

From: HomeDailyNews.com

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