After the rains, some water in a usually dry gully. Another 12 months have sailed past, and it is time to photograph the coffee bushes:- These are the 3 oldest plants, which are now just over 2 full years old: and almost 2 feet high. The 3 smaller plants look almost exactly the same as these 3, but are no more than a couple of inches shorter. The only leaves growing from the main stem, are right at the top of the plant, all the lower leaves are growing from the side branches. In the last 12 months the first pair of side branches, has been joined by another 4 pairs of side branches. As you can easily see, these 3 plants are not looking too "happy": and we have decided that it is time to plant them out, onto the plantation: they are getting "pot-bound" and the roots have insufficient space in which to grow and spread out. We are searching for the best spot to plant them, where we will be able to carry on taking pictures of them, as they adapt to the better conditions, in a more natural growing habitat. It was also, a deliberate decision to feed them no fertilizer; to give you a better idea of the way they grow "in the wild". This is a picture of a seedling that is about the same age ( 2 years old ) that was planted out last year, and has been fertilized: you can instantly see the difference!! It is almost exactly the same height, with the same 5 pairs of side branches ( not easy to see in the picture ) but is looking so very much "happier": more leaves, a better leaf colour, and very much more "bushy". In the background are the stems of a Banana tree. We have a good spot to plant them out: as "average" as possible: partial shade, neither the driest or wettest area of the plantation, the soil is a little on the better side compared to that further down the slope; and in a position where they will be relatively easy to photograph, as they grow to maturity. This spot is well sheltered from the worst of the winds, which should help the plants get their roots established ( from being pot-bound ) to give them the required stability to survive any hurricane force winds, that may "hit" us. As we planted them out, it was obvous that they were far more badly "pot bound" than we thought, the base of the pot was just a mass of twisted roots, which we did our best to "tease-out" without damaging them. 2 of them planted out, where they get the shade in the late afternoon. AND, while we were planting them out, came across this beautiful little flower, have no idea as to what it is called, moved it to the garden. WATCH THIS SPACE: for updated pictures of the coffee bushes, as they grow to maturity. Best wishes to all, my readers. Robin Plough, friend of For questions about JBM, mail to: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript |