1. Arabica contra Robusta?There are two main coffee species grown in the world. Arabica is generally planted in the Latin America and Hawaii whereas Robusta is grown particularly in Brazil and in the Eastern coffee producing countries. Arabica is a high quality coffee that is consumed solely while Robusta is usually blended with other coffees. Robusta has much more caffeine than Arabica. The latter is less frost-resistant; its trees are much affected by different forces of nature as opposite to Robusta’s plants. Despite the fact that Robusta coffee trees are taller and give more yields, its coffee beans are cheaper and are less valuable in the coffee world than Arabica coffees. 2. Does coffee has a high level of calories?In fact, no coffee, even the instant one, contains any calories. Only adding sugar, milk or any other product that makes our cup of coffee taste so sweet fills this drink with calories. 3. Is there caffeine in the coffee?Any coffee has a certain content of caffeine. The thing is that caffeine is the natural component of each coffee. It has many positive effects upon human nervous system. The effect is very insignificant, still it helps us feel less tiredness and give us a lot of energy. It also affects our concentration and response speed in a positive way. However caffeine in a different way acts on different people depending on their body mass and the structure of their biological system. 4. What temperature is the best while brewing coffee?The best temperature, according to scientific studies, is considered to be between 95°C and 98°C. However, the water should be as hot as possible in order to extract all useful properties form the coffee particles. 5. Where and how to properly store coffee?Keep your coffee in a vacuum sealed glass container. The moisture and air are the principal coffee foes as well as the sun. This is why you should store your glass container in a dark dry place. Why glass? It doesn’t absorb any other smell from previous storing, thus it will not affect the taste of any coffee. If you like your coffee always fresh, buy only strict amount of it taking into consideration what will be enough for you for a short period of time. Don’t ever freeze your grounds because: a) freezing will kill some of the delicate coffee taste nuances b) when the container is taken out the freezer, it will mist over subjecting your coffee to humidity. 6. What are coffee effects upon health?There are no evident minuses when drinking coffee. Scientists have already proved that coffee stimulates metabolism and has a positive impact upon human reaction. Coffee also proved to have many therapeutic effects that positively influence our organism. However, different people in a diverse manner react upon coffee drinking – some of us tend to fall asleep and the others, on contrary, are full of energy and are ready to take on the world. It depends only on the individual’s body resistance.